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 Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge

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2 participants


Masculin Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 59
Localisation : France - Gard
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007

Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge Empty
MessageSujet: Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge   Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge EmptyVen Nov 23 2007, 11:10

My try to realise an old dream :



Thinking to a renting system from my start in EU I dont understand why that idea is not a great subject of talking everywhere.

If MA build a renting system in EU core the effects can be extreme, on the rarity and objects valor. But MA can take a new renting service tax and players can control they renting prices based on a big demand, I have no doubt. I am sure, renting transactions automated in a built'in renting service can be gigantics in number, and uber Item prices can be little moderated by the way.

The possibility to rent a rare object without collateral system (object is automaticaly returned to owner at the end of renting period) is the next improvement to be made and the effect on game playing can be unbelievable.

The involvement of a such tool must be greatly considerable, so why not start a general request to MA and start to discuss about that. I am sure, everybody allready think to that.

What do you think about that in a general terms.
What are the possible effects of a built'in renting system.
Why MA dont make it.
How do you wich that system and how do you desire it so much.

I hope to see a good amount of thread on that subject in the future, I had a too bad English to participate effectivly in that, and sorry if a thread or many other exist, I found nothing on a built'in renting system.

Remember, Built'in Renting System is THE MUST for us and EU, maybe.
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Colonel (LFB)
Colonel (LFB)

Nombre de messages : 562
Localisation : Nymphtown
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2006

Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge   Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge EmptyVen Nov 23 2007, 15:45

Why MA will not collaborate :

They will loose monopoly on rare/valuable items (we all know that the frequency of drops is keeping under a sharp control ),
So they will loose control on market ( ex: price on imK2 will quickly fall as soon as pple will be able to rent one, why do we investigate 18K $ when we can use an ubber gun for 150 peds/day when we need to feel powerful ? ---->pointless..
This project is a "one way project", i mean it is profitable for players ONLY, and ..in a way.. who care about us at MA's office ?..:-)

Actually, as far as MA is concerned, a good project is a profitable project..
So, unless you can convince MA they can pay themselves with a tiny 75 % of the rental price, I think it's a lost beforehand fight Sad

GL anyway Very Happy
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Built'in Renting System - Best Improvement Challenge
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